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Perform a mission and find a job

Empower your resume using Top Portfolio Missions and get noticed

Sharxly brings a new empowering platform to recruiting

Work at what you are good at and love to do

Inspiring the industry to get better employees to fit the required capabilities

Get hired based on your qualifications

A simpler recruiting process for firms

Search Sharxly for expertise, location, and missions
provided by companies looking for employees.
Perform an assignment and get noticed.

Register now it's free

Work searchers are looking for their next job without experience and willing to perform a substantial assignment to present a breakthrough portfolio that proves their skills.

Register now it's free

People looking to reach new horizons
and fulfill their potential

If you are an intern who seeks to specialize in a new field and build a meaningful industrial portfolio to present your abilities to employers.

Register now it's free

Are you looking for a candidate that fits your specific needs?

If you are a company looking for a steady flow of skilled candidates based on proven assignments, Sharxly is your choice to do so.
The assignments are performed according to the company's requirements for meeting their needs. The firm gains a shortened time to get deliverables from the new employee.
Firm registration

What makes us AWESOME

We provide a framework that enables interns to perform complex projects and companies to review the process and invite them to join their companies.

The company recruits excellent employees that suit the company's specific needs and its mode of operation.

We provide a framework to perform team projects. Companies can review the process and invite the participants to join their companies.

Firm registration

Recruiters tell us: These are the issues that are most difficult to understand in an interview and a mission gives an excellent answer

"For me, everything has to do with independent functioning in the job: the ability to raise flags and ask for help. It is difficult to predict the balance between how the candidate relies on himself versus relying on others" "Time management, order, and organization, ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously"
"I got to interview quite a bit. Most of the things that remained with me in question at the end of the interview managed to get answered in a professional task. You can learn a lot from the way the task is done, from the media, and from its presentation"

Registration of partnership firms